Not to discourage you, but taking care of plants during the winter months is much harder than during the winter! The summer months come with an ample supply of sunlight, bugs to pollinate and a great warm environment where plants thrive.
BUT the good news is that your plants aren’t bound to die. You can actually keep them alive all year round if you take care of them the right way. Below are a few tips that could support your plant parent journey and help you from ending up with “unalive” plant babies.
You might not know this but plants during the winter actually need less water than during the summer. Because of this fact, the number one reason plants don’t survive the winter months is actually due to overwatering. We tend to want to water our plants the same amount all year round but don’t realize that plants adjust their needs to the environment. Here’s your reminder to water your plants less!
*First, you can do this by sticking your finger in the soil. If it’s still moist, avoid watering.
*Secondly, increase the moisture in the air by using a humidifier or placing it near a window or kitchen for sunlight and a little extra humidity from the environment.
*Also grouping your plants together will increase the humidity and make your plants happier.
*Another idea is to place a tray with pebbles under the plant, not in it, so that the plant has ample water around but not in the soil. With this method you would need to change the water regularly.
When it comes to light, every plant has a requirement. Make sure to educate yourself on each plant you have and what their requirements are.
*If you notice leggy growth, make sure to adjust the plant accordingly, with more light or light from another direction.
*Some plants need more light than others and you might need to invest in a small grow lamp. There are inexpensive alternatives, so make sure to do your research before spending your money.
Many indoor plants tend to be tropical and need more warmer climates, around 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of this, they need extra care during the winter months to survive.
*If you have a warmer room in your house, place your plants there. If not applicable to your living environment, you could place a small space heater in the vicinity of your plant. Make sure that it’s a few feet away so as not to damage your plants through extreme heat.
This is an easy one. Plants usually go dormant during the winter and don’t need to be fed so you can skip this step. Start feeding when spring rolls around.
Transplanting during the winter months will lead to leggy growth, so try not to repot your plants unless completely necessary, such as during situations where the water instantly dries up in the soil when watering or if the plant is pot bound (plants bound in pots for a long period of time where the roots are circling the inside of the pot).
Winter is the time of year when pests come out. So doing daily checks on your plants is a great habit. Making sure your pests are controlled with products like insecticide soap (which could be made with a mixture of mild soap and water) and organic neem oil (preventing them from coming back too).
If you would like to have all the information on this blog in one simple place, download the pdf below and keep it on your laptop or print for convenience all winter long.
Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions in the information provided above! We would love to answer any of your houseplant questions to keep your plants living and keeping you company.