Whether you have killed 100 plants or this is your first go at it, I want you to leave this page feeling better prepared to take care of your new plant baby.

If you don 't see your question answered- reach out, I'd love to chat!

  • Seed Paper Planting

    If you've purchased a candle, each one comes with seed paper that has wildflowers embedded!

    How to Plant your wildflowers:

    1. Soak seed paper overnight
    2. Tear up in smaller pieces and then plant under a thin layer of soil
    3. Water gently and keep soil moist until seedlings sprout.

    Paper is made from 100% recycled paper with all-natural, vegetable-dyed pigments.

    Candle Shop 
  • Succulents

    Watering: Because succulents store most of their water in their leaves, you only need to lightly water at the root once a week. If you live in an area with low light you’ll need more time between watering to allow the soil to dry out. The best piece of advice for watering: less is more!

    Environment: Please make sure to give your plant-baby enough light! Generally, succulents do best in bright but indirect sunlight. If you don’t have a grow light or it’s too cold outside, I recommend keeping them near a windowsill where they’ll get shade but can still receive enough sunlight. Keep in temperatures between 60-90 degrees.

  • Air Plants

    Watering: There are a couple of methods I've found successful in keeping air plants hydrated.
    1. Soaking - Every 1-2 weeks soak your air plant in room temperature water; using cold water will shock the plants and could be harmful. If you're using tap water, let it sit out for an hour before soaking the plants. Soak times vary anywhere from 10-30 minutes. After soaking, gently shake off excess water and set in a spot with indirect sunlight and good air circulation to dry off. 
    2. Misting - You can mist between 2-5 times a week depending on how dry your home is what time of year it is. In the summertime it's best to water more, and in the winter you'll water less.

    Environment: Tilllandsia air plants require bright, indirect filtered light. Direct sunlight will cause the air plant to dry up quickly. Air plants thrive between 50-90 degrees F. In addition, if you're keeping your air plant in a globe, enclosed or partially enclosed terrarium, make sure when you're watering and drying your air plant that you're doing it outside of the enclosed home.

  • Closed Terrariums

    Watering: Soil should be damp but not soaking wet. Misting your plants is one way to avoid over-watering. You can always add more water later, which is easier than trying to remove excess water. If there's water on the foliage of your plants, leave the lid of your terrarium open until it dries. Once lidded, your terrarium should establish a rain cycle. You'll notice condensation on the inside of the container, which rolls down to water your plants. The condensation should look like a light fog. Anything heavier is a sign you should remove the lid for a day or two to let it dry out some. If needed, remove your terrarium lid once a week for up to 15 minutes to let in fresh carbon dioxide.

    Environment: Bright, indirect light recommended. Grow lights are a good replacement if you don't have enough natural light. 

  • Kokedama

    Watering: Soak your kokedama in water for about 20 minutes, 1-3 times per week. Squeeze excess water from the soaked moss and place on water resistant surface.

    Feeding: Add fertilizer to the watering bowl, 3 out of 4 times out of the month.

    Remove salt: Moss holds salt and fertilizer contains salt. To remove excess salt, place your kokedama in distilled water for 1 hour every 6 months. If necessary, repeat one week later.

    Light/Temperature: Depending on the plant, adjust your light and temperature according to plant instructions.

Plants and I have never gotten along well. I tend to kill every plant I attempt to bring into my home. I often argue it's because a plant doesn't telI you it's hungry like an animal does. Which I know is obvious, but still wouldn't that be helpful?!

However, my biggest plant fail actually happened when I was much younger. When I was little I had the unfortunate experience of accidentally sitting on a cactus. It was a baby cactus my mom kept on our kitchen counter and little 5 year old me climbed up on the counter and didn't pay attention and BOOM...as you can imaging- I don't recommend having cactus thorns plucked out of you by your mother. So alas, plants are not my friend, though I will never give up. LOL